ZTE’s US Back Door, Huawei’s Foreign Hire 中兴通讯的美国後门 华为的海外招贤

The relentless drive by telecoms equipment giants Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) to break into the US continues, with the pair taking decidedly different approaches in their quest to be first to make big bucks in the world’s most lucrative telecoms market. First ZTE. While everyone has focused on ZTE’s frustrations in the US selling networking equipment, most notably its failure to win a big contract earlier this year from Sprint (NYSE: S) (previous post), the company has quietly become a major force in the much lower profile but still quite lucrative US cellphone market selling its low-cost smartphones. One of my company sources tells me that ZTE is currently on track to sell $600 million worth of cellphones in the US this year, or double its volume from 2010, as it focuses on a product where it has done well and, equally important, which is far less sensitive than networking equipment that tends to raise security concerns. While $600 million isn’t huge for a company like ZTE, it’s still around 6 percent of the company’s forecast revenue for this year, which is still significant and could easily become more so if it can continue the strong growth with its low-cost smartphones. For Huawei, Chinese media are reporting the company has hired John Suffolk, former chief information officer of the British government, as the company’s new global cyber security officer. (English article) This move looks quite brilliant, as Huawei clearly has landed someone with strong Western government connections and telecoms security background to play a dual role in not only advising it on how to make its equipment more secure against cyber attacks, but also to ease government concerns in the US and Western Europe that Huawei’s equipment might somehow pose a risk of spying by the Chinese government. Huawei’s step is only the latest in a long series of moves aimed at solidifying its long-term position in the global telecoms market, and at this rate I wouldn’t be surprised  to see it not only score its first big US sale in the next year, but also to take over the spot as the world’s top mobile networking equipment maker from Sweden’s Ericsson (Stockholm: ERICb) in that time frame.

Bottom line: ZTE could broach the $1 billion sales mark in the US next year through its fast-growing cellphone business, while Huawei’s latest hire should help it enter the US in the next year.

中国两大电信设备提供商–中兴通讯<00063. SZ><0763.HK>与华为<HWT.UL>继续努力打入美国市场,但是策略迥异。先说中兴通讯。当人人还都在念着中兴通讯向美国市场出售网络设备上的挫折,特别是今年稍早未能赢得Sprint<S.N>一项巨大合约时,这家公司已经悄悄成为了美国手机市场的一支重要力量,在这里销售其平价的智能手机。一名公司消息人士告诉我,中兴正推动今年在美国手机销售达6亿美元,较2010年翻番。中兴在手机领域表现不错,而且这块市场不像电信设备那麽敏感。6亿美元对中兴不算太大,但仍然占到了公司今年财测的6%左右,这相当不错,而且如果其低成本智能手机销售强劲势头继续,那麽中兴手机业务将会占据更重要的分量。再说华为。据中国媒体报导,华为已聘请英国政府前首席信息官约翰•萨福克(John Suffolk)担任全球网络安全官。此举看起来非常聪明。华为显然是请到了既有很强西方政府关系、又有电信安全背景的人来发挥双重作用:萨福克不仅可以建议华为面对网络袭击如何增强设备的安全性,还可缓解美国与西欧等政府的安全忧虑。华为意欲巩固其在全球电信市场的长期地位,此举只是一系列朝向这个目标的举措之一。以目前的速度来看,华为如果明年锁定首笔在美的重大销售交易、且超过爱立信<ERICb.ST><ERICb.ST>成全球头号移动网络设备制造商,我不会感到意外。


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