Tencent Takes on Video Sharing in New Alliance 腾讯觊觎视频霸主地位

There’s a new video sharing alliance that smells suspiciously of Tencent (HKEx: 700) trying to throw its weight around in this new Web space it has yet to dominate. Chinese media are reporting that a so-called “group” of operators of video-sharing sites, including Tencent, Xunlei, PPLive, Baofeng and Joy.cn, have formed an alliance to share rights to TV or movie content obtained by any single alliance member. (English article) Given Tencent’s own fledgling video-sharing ambitions and its direct investment in Xunlei, this one looks to me like an initiative by China’s biggest Web firm as it tries to muscle in on and eventually dominate the space, which has yet to produce a clear leader, the same way it did in the online gaming space. Given Tencent’s success in its past endeavors, I’d say this one could also stand a good chance of success, to the detriment of other pioneers like Youku (Nasdaq: YOKU), Tudou, and even search leader Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU).

Bottom line: Tencent is once again using its weight and connections to try and dominate video-sharing, an Internet space with no clear leader, and stands a good chance of success.





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