Tencent Sends Out Mixed Video Signals 腾讯若持股优酷 有助进军视频业

As I glanced over today’s headlines, I couldn’t help wondering what is going on with Chinese Internet leader Tencent (HKEx: 700), which is sending out mixed signals about its intent in the hot online video sharing space. A top company executive told Chinese media that Tencent has spent some 100 million yuan, or more than $15 million, in recent months to build up its video sharing infrastructure (English article), following word earlier this year that it had budgeted $100 million to enter a space dominated by industry leaders Youku (NYSE: YOKU) and Tudou (Nasdaq: TUDO). (previous post) That’s all fine and good, except that just two weeks ago reports emerged that Tencent was in talks to take an equity stake in Youku itself. (previous post) Tencent clearly wants to get into the video space, and I applaud this decision as online video fits in well with its demographic base, made up of young people, mostly 25 years old and younger, who are the main users for its wildly popular QQ instant messaging service and online games. But it needs to make up its mind soon on which direction it will take, or end up spending lots of unnecessary cash and upsetting potential allies in the market, including members of a video alliance it helped to establish earlier this year. (previous post). My personal choice would be for a tie-up with Youku, preferably through a major equity stake, as this well-managed company is making lots of smart moves lately in its road to profitability, which could come by the end of the year. In the latest of those moves, the company announced a deal giving it first-of-its-kind online video rights to Dreamworks Animation’s (NYSE: DWA) “KungFu Panda” series, which has been hugely popular in China. That deal follows similar recent ones with Warner Brothers (NYSE: TWX) and Philips Electronics (Amsterdam: PHG) (previous post), and shows that Youku is clearly looking for a road to sustainable profits.

Bottom line: Tencent’s move into video is a smart one, catering to its demographic base, but it needs to quickly decide which path it will take, with a Youku equity tie-up looking most attractive.



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Video Sharing: Let the Tie-Ups Begin

Youku’s New Formula: Sponsored Programs 优酷“新配方”:赞助项目

Tencent Takes Serious Shot at Video 腾讯重拳出击视频业务

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