Taobao Split: Separating Wheat From the Chaff 淘宝一分为三 如何取其精华

Finally, there’s a bit of interesting news coming from Alibaba Group that doesn’t involve its ongoing dispute with investors Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) and Softbank over its online payments service. In Alibaba’s latest strategic move, which appears unrelated to the ongoing feud over Alipay, the company is preparing to split Taobao, its main consumer-oriented e-commerce asset, into three units: one focused on B2C, one on C2C and a third focused on e-commerce searches. (English article) This move smells distinctly of preparation for an IPO for the B2C unit, Taobao Mall, and is likely the result of years of pressure from Softbank — an original investor in Taobao as well as the bigger Alibaba Group — for Alibaba to better monetize Taobao so it can get back some of its investment. Taobao started out largely as a C2C site, in direct competition with eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY). But that business has failed to ever generate much money due to Alibaba’s repeated refusal to charge any listing or transaction fees for the site. Taobao Mall grew up later, and is clearly a more attractive business as sellers are mostly commercial retailers who don’t mind paying a fee to sell their products online, which carries much lower overhead than traditional real-world stores. Following this split-up, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Taobao Mall publish some financials relatively soon to start drumming up support for an IPO in as little as the next 12 months. After all, Softbank has waited nearly a decade to get some return out of its original investments in both Alibaba and Taobao and now it looks like the wait could finally be almost over.

Bottom line: Alibaba’s split-up of its Taobao consumer e-commerce company foreshadows an IPO for the B2C unit, Taobao Mall, within the next 12 months.



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