It’s Good News, But More Is Needed To Jump-Start BYD 比亚迪:需要更多好消息

BYD (HKEx: 1211), the Warren Buffett-backed automaker that’s fallen into a rut lately, got a rare boost this week when officials in Shaanxi province reversed a previous zoning decision that will allow work to resume on a major new BYD auto plant in the city of Xi’an. (press release) While the move is certainly positive and removes a major speed bump for BYD, it will take quite a bit more to return this company to the hot-rod days that saw its fortunes surge after Buffett’s investment. Most importantly, the company needs to go back to basics and re-learn how to make cars the people want, rather than spending its energy telling everyone how great it is and how its largely untested green products are going to revolutionize the market. It made an interesting move last week in the auto financing arena (previous post), but it’s going to take a bit more uphill driving to return this company back to its glory days.

Bottom line:  Despite a positive step in its stalled Shaanxi mega-plant, BYD needs to focus on basics to restart its growth trajectory.

近来灰头土脸的比亚迪<1211.HK>终於迎来了点好消息:陕西西安国土部门收回成命,允许比亚迪继续在西安建设一个庞大的新工厂。这 自然是为比亚迪清除了发展道路上的一大障碍,但比亚迪要回归当年刚刚获得巴菲特投资後的金融市场宠儿地位,仅靠这是远远不够的。最重要的是,比亚迪必须回 归本源,老老实实地生产消费者喜欢的汽车,而不是整天用一些尚未经过市场检验的新能源”概念车”来作秀。近来它在汽车金融领域做出了有益的尝试,但还需付 出更多实实在在的努力。


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