CITIC Securities $2 Bln IPO Looks Good, With Potential to Jumpstart HK 中信证券香港IPO值得期待

Despite a frosty environment for new initial public offerings, China’s largest brokerage CITIC Securities (Shanghai: 600030) has announced its  moving ahead with a planned IPO worth nearly $2 billion, in what looks like a good bet to breathe some new life into an otherwise moribund market. (English article) CITIC Securities, whose shares have been listed in Shanghai since 2003, is taking an interesting gamble with this offering, and the timing looks particularly curious since the Hong Kong market is down more than 10 percent since the last mega-offering when Prada (HKEx: 1913) listed its shares in June. I suspect the Chinese government has quietly pushed CITIC to go ahead with this deal, as a successful offering could potentially breathe new life not only into Hong Kong, but also into the sputtering Shanghai stock market, which has lost a comparable amount since June. In my view, CITIC Securities represents one of the strongest bets you’ll see for China’s the financial sector, which can always get investors excited due to the nation’s huge growth potential. It’s the premier name among Chinese brokerages which are generally commercially driven, unlike banks that take their cues from the government. What’s more, Chinese brokerages also work as investment banks, giving them nice exposure to a sizable Chinese IPO and bond underwriting market off-limits to foreigners. CITIC Securities now trades at a healthy 15 times this year’s earnings, which is about the industry average. All that said, barring a major sell-off in Hong Kong or Shanghai, I would expect to see this offering do nicely when it debuts in October, possibly giving a small kick to the sputtering Hong Kong and Chinese markets.

Bottom line: CITIC Securities will offer international investors a strong window into China’s brokerage sector, and is likely to see strong demand for its October IPO.



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