360Buy $5 Bln IPO Plan Looks Like Desperation 京东商城50亿美元上市计划凸显绝望

I have just one word to describe the news that leading Chinese online merchant 360Buy will try to raise up to $5 billion in the largest-ever Internet IPO for a Chinese company in the US: desperation. (English article; Chinese article) But I have to at least give this company credit for trying to get to market before a looming Chinese Internet bubble bursts, which could rapidly wipe out billions of dollars that investors have pumped into 360Buy, which officially calls itself Jingdong Mall. This is the company that surprised the world in April when it raised a whopping $1.5 billion — a record for a Chinese Internet company — from an investor group that included Russia’s Digital Sky Technologies, better known for its investment in Facebook. (previous post) Digital Sky’s chief later tried to justify the size of the investment, estimating that 360Buy could have a market cap of $10 billion — more than double that of most to Chinese Internet firms and trailing only top players Tencent (HKEx: 700) and Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU) (previous post) Never mind the fact that 360Buy was losing money, which will become quite clear to everyone when if and when it files its IPO prospectus. Lots has happened since that landmark investment five months agol. Most notably, competition in the e-commerce space has heated up considerably with the influx of billions of dollars in new investment. Money-losing online promotions offering goods at ridiculously low prices appear almost daily, and early signs of distress have begun to appear with big names like group buying site Gaopeng and clothing retailer Vancl laying off staff (previous post). 360Buy showed its own signs of distress last month when it abruptly severed relations with e-payments provider AliPay in a move to cut costs. (previous post) I suspect Digital Sky and the other investors from that $1.5 billion funding round are starting to panic, and are now in a race against time to get back some of their investment before China’s bursting Internet bubble is impossible to ignore. If I were a gambler, I would say this offering will raise $1 billion at the most, and quite probably less, if it even makes it to market. The way things are rapidly developing, the company will be lucky to get a valuation of $5 billion.

Bottom line: 360Buy’s sudden rush to raise up to $5 billion in a US IPO is a sign of desperation, as investors look for quick returns before China’s Internet bubble bursts.

看到京东商城要去美国上市筹资50亿美元的消息,我只想用一个词来描述我的看法:绝望。京东商城是中国最大的购物网站,这个上市计划一旦成功将创下中国互联网公司赴美上市筹资额的历史之最。不过,对京东在中国互联网行业泡沫行将破裂前,尝试借助资本市场的努力,我还是至少要给予褒奖。中国互联网泡沫的破裂可能导致投资者对京东商城倾情投入的数十亿美元迅速灰飞烟灭。今年4月,京东商城从包括俄罗斯风投公司数字天空技术(Digital Sky Technologies)的投资者财团成功筹集到15亿美元资金,创下中国互联网公司对外定向筹资的纪录。这让外界倍感意外。数字天空技术更出名的行动当属投资Facebook,该公司後来试图为其投资规模找出理由,称京东商城的估值可能高达100亿美元,较大多数其他中国互联网公司的市值高出一倍有余,仅次于百度腾讯等龙头企业。不要介意京东商城正在亏损,这一事实在这家公司发布上市招股书的时候将大白天下。在五个月前获得标志性巨额投资之後发生了很多事情。最值得关注的是,随着数十亿美元投资的流入,电子商务行业竞争显着升级。几乎每天都能看到提供荒唐低价商品的赔钱促销活动,随着团购网站高朋和服装零售网站凡客的裁员,电子商务行业已经初露危机迹象。上月,京东商城以降低成本的名义突然弃用支付宝,正是前者面临危机的迹象。我猜测,稍早提供15亿美元融资的数字天空技术公司等投资者已经感到痛楚,在不敢无视中国互联网泡沫行将破裂的情况下,正争分夺秒争取上市,以抢先回收部分投资。如果我是一名赌家,我会押注京东商城若决定上市,最多筹得10亿美元,并很可能更少。世事变幻莫测,京东商城若能筹得50亿美元,则需要运气。


Related postings 相关文章:

360Buy — More Details But Still Pricey 京东商城值多少?

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360Buy — Are They Really Worth That Much? 京东商城——真值那么多钱?

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