55tuan Scraps Listing Plan After Banks Get Cold Feet 各投行临阵退缩 “窝窝团”放弃赴美上市

It seems investors aren’t the only ones getting jittery about Chinese accounting standards in the current crisis of confidence surrounding US-listed China stocks. Domestic media are reporting that up-and-coming group buying site 55tuan, which just two months ago raised $200 million from a group including Goldman Sachs (previous post) is now having to abort its plans for an IPO. But this time, 55tuan is abandoning the plan for a US listing not due to weak market sentiment, but because it was rejected by some of the biggest investment banks, including Credit Suisse, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs itself, according to a Chinese report, citing informed sources. (Chinese article) It seems the banks are all concerned about 55tuan’s rapid growth in the last couple of years, which came on the back of a big buying spree that saw it acquire lots of smaller local group buying sites. According to the Chinese report, the investment banks are worried about lax accounting at many of the acquired companies, which could throw much of 55tuan’s own books into question. Clearly the big banks don’t want to be caught with any potential liability from shareholder lawsuits of have to answer to the SEC if they help a company list that later turns out to have crooked books. One of my sources previously told me that similar acquisitions were at the heart of the crisis that hit Longtop Financial, whose own accounting was called into question due to doubts about the books at one or more of its acquired companies. If that’s the case, companies that have grown by acquisition could be especially vulnerable as the current confidence crisis plays out.

Bottom line: Companies like 55tuan, which grew through questionable acquisitions, will find themselves under growing scrutiny in the crisis surrounding US-listed China stocks.



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