Tag Archives: 三星

Apple Prepares to Bring Anti-Android Drive to China 苹果计划在华反击Android

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) has taken the interesting step of getting 40 new patents in China, in what looks like an opening move that could ultimately see it target the growing number of Chinese cellphone makers that use Google’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) popular Android cellphone operating system. (English article) The report in the China Daily focuses on the more obvious potential aims of the patents, such as closing a slew of bogus Apple stores that have sprung up in China as Apple’s sales have soared to surpass those of leading PC maker Lenovo (HKEx: 992). (previous post) But the article points out the new patents also cover Apple’s popular user-friendly smartphone operating system (OS), which has been largely responsible for the huge boom in its iPhone and smartphone sales in general over the last 3 years. Apple has argued that Google’s free Android OS, which has been embraced by many of the world’s top cellphone makers, is a copycat of its own OS, and has successfully sued to halt the sale of popular Android-based smartphones and tablet PCs from Taiwan’s HTC (Taipei: 2498) and Korea’s Samsung (Seoul: 005930). Based on that behavior, this new round of patent filings in China looks like Apple is preparing to sue Chinese smartphone makers like ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063), Lenovo and TCL Communications (HKEx: 2618; Shenzhen: 000100), which all use Android. ZTE in particular could be at big risk, as its recent drive to become a global leader in smartphones costing as little as $100 each (previous post) relies heavily on Android. If Apple does file such a lawsuit, it will be interesting to see how China’s courts react as obviously any ruling in Apple’s favor could deal a big blow to the domestic industry. But anyone industry watchers should also note that Chinese courts don’t appear to have any power to make temporary rulings like judges do in the US, meaning any enforcement action can only occur after a judge makes a final decision — a process that could take months or even a year. Still, considering Apple’s success so far in the US against giants like Samsung and HTC, Chinese smartphone makers would be well advised to start drawing up plans for new Android alternatives if and when Apple moves its anti-Android battle to China.

Bottom line: Apple’s new round of patents in China look like the prelude to lawsuits against domestic smartphone makers like ZTE, which rely heavily on Google’s free Android operating system.

苹果(AAPL.O)在华成功申请了40项新专利,其终极目标看似是对采用谷歌(GOOG.O)Android系统的中国手机商亮剑的第一步。《中国日报》的报导侧重苹果旨在专利维权的一面,例如关闭苹果山寨零售店等。由于苹果电脑在华销量大涨,超过PC领军企业联想(0992.HK),苹果山寨店如雨後春笋般涌现。但文章指出,苹果新申请的专利还包括其界面友好的智能手机操作系统(OS),这一操作系统是过去三年推动iPhone和智能手机销量整体上升的重要原因。苹果辩称,全球许多顶级手机商采用的谷歌免费提供的Android系统,是抄袭苹果OS系统的设计。苹果还在宏达电(HTC)(2498.TW)和三星(005930.KS)专利侵权案中胜诉,成功迫使两家公司的Android智能手机和平板电脑暂停销售。鉴于此举,苹果在华新一轮的专利申请,看似将准备起诉使用Android系统的中国智能手机制造商,例如中兴通讯(000063.SZ; 0763.HK)、联想和TCL通讯(2618.HK)。中兴通讯面临的风险尤其大,因为其近期力争成为售价低至100美元的智能手机的全球领军企业,该公司的这一计划严重依赖Anroid系统。如果苹果提出侵权诉讼,中国法院如何回应是件有趣的事情,因为任何明显有利于苹果的判决,都将重创中国手机产业。但业内观察者也指出,中国法庭进行终裁後才会有执行举措,而法庭裁判过程往往耗时数月甚至一年。话说回来,考虑到苹果在美胜诉三星和宏达电侵权,中国智能手机商最好早做打算,制定替代Android的新计划,以防苹果万一在华打响反击Android战役。


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Lenovo Considers Dangerous HP Computer Bid 联想应慎购惠普PC业务

Don’t do it! Those are the only words of advice I can offer Lenovo (HKEx: 992) Chairman and founder Liu Chuanzhi, whose latest comments indicate his is weighing a possible bid for the PC assets that global leader Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ) is putting up for sale. (Chinese article) Liu, who built Lenovo from a local computer builder into the world’s fourth largest PC brand, was understandably reserved in his remarks to reporters on the subject, but his constant use of the phrase “something to consider” indicates to me that his mind is already moving in the direction of making a bid, an easy conclusion to make in light of his fondness for acquisitions that have included his blockbuster purchase of IBM’s (NYSE: IBM) PC business, and its more recent takeover of smaller PC operations in Japan and Germany. (previous post) Liu, if he did make a bid, would clearly be looking to vault his company past Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) and Taiwan’s Acer (Taipei: 2353) to become the world’s top PC player, which this deal would clearly do. But the risks are huge, and it’s not at all clear to me that Lenovo could survive a successful bid, especially as it faces huge new competition from Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) in its home China market that accounts for half of its sales. (previous post) At the top of my list of concerns is the very real possibility that Lenovo would seriously overpay for the HP unit, as it faced strong rival bids from better-funded companies like Samsung (Seoul: 005930), Acer, and perhaps even Dell. But even more important, Lenovo would have an extremely hard time integrating its own business with HP’s, which is already much bigger and far more complex due to the company’s longer history and vast geographic reach. Lenovo might argue its IBM PC purchase has given it valuable experience in such integrations, which is partly true. But let’s also not forget the IBM integration was especially painful for Lenovo, and there’s every reason to believe that HP would be even more painful. If Liu Chuanzhi is smart, he will do his due diligence on HP’s PC business, and quickly decide it’s not worth bidding.

Bottom line: Recent comments from Lenovo’s chairman indicate he may be considering a bid for HP’s PC business — a move that if successful would prove disastrous.

别收购惠普PC业务!这是我给联想(0992.HK)创始人兼董事长柳传志的唯一建议。柳传志的近期评论暗示他正在权衡是否收购惠普(HPQ.N)旗下的PC业务。柳传志把联想从一个本土电脑商打造为全球第四大PC品牌,对记者的这一问题表示了可以理解的保留态度。但我认为,他多次使用“值得考虑”一词表明,他有意参加这次竞购,何况他向来喜欢并购,联想曾收购IBM(IBM.N)的PC业务,近期又收购日本NEC和德国Medion公司的PC业务。如果柳传志竞购惠普PC业务,明显是希望超过戴尔和台湾宏基(2353.TW: 行情),成为全球第一大PC制造商,该收购案如果成功确实能实现这一点。但联想收购惠普PC业务风险巨大,而且我尚不清楚,联想是否能竞购成功,尤其是联想在中国市场还面临苹果(AAPL.O: 行情)的巨大挑战。我最担忧的是,竞购惠普PC业务时,联想面对三星(005930.KS)、宏基、甚至戴尔等对手的强劲竞标,可能会出价过高。但更重要的是,联想在整合惠普与其自身业务时可能历经艰辛,因为惠普历史悠久、市场更多,所以业务更庞大,也更复杂。联想可能会辩称,收购IBM PC业务为期提供了宝贵经验,一定程度上确实如此。但请不要忘记,联想整合IBM时非常痛苦,我们有理由相信,整合惠普会更痛苦。如果柳传志聪明的话,他应该对惠普PC业务进行独立的尽职调查,并迅速作出惠普PC业务不值得竞购的决定。


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Nokia Facing China Backlash After Years of Dominance 诺基亚手机在华“失宠”

While the rest of the world buzzes about Google’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) blockbuster deal to buy Motorola Mobility (NYSE: MMI), eyes in China are more focused on a worrisome report regarding struggling Nokia (Helsinki: NOK1V), which once dominated the Chinese market but is rapidly losing share to up-and-comers like Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and Samsung (Seoul: 005930). According to the report, a growing number of Chinese sellers are refusing to accept shipments of Nokia phones, in what looks like a rebellion after years of being bullied by Nokia when it dominated both the China and global markets.  (Chinese article) The article doesn’t provide a lot more detail, but does say the insurrection has been going on since April, and could see Nokia report sharply lower sales in the world’s largest cellphone market by subscribers when second-quarter numbers start to come out. If true, this rapid fall in fortunes for Nokia would mirror its rapid global decline. Chinese consumers, like everyone else, are always looking for the latest and coolest cellphone, and Nokia’s offerings just don’t look nearly as sleek as smartphones from Apple or Samsung. What’s more, lower end producers like ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) are appealing to more cost-conscious consumers, offering cool, low-priced smartphones costing as little as $100 each based on Google’s Android operating system. Nokia, by comparison, can only offer phones based on its own Symbian system, which most people find uninspired and is due for retirement by the end of this year. The trend for Nokia resembles what happened several years ago in China to Motorola, whose fall from grace was also rapid and for similar reasons. If this report is true, and I think there’s a good chance it is, Nokia could easily lose its crown as the top mobile phone seller in China within the next year.

Bottom line: A rebellion by Chinese cellphone sellers against Nokia reflects the company’s broader fall from grace, and could see it lose its market-leading position in China in the next 12 months.



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