VanceInfo Finds China Partner in Oracle 文思得遇贵人甲骨文

There’s an interesting (and probably largely overlooked) press release out there saying that IT services provider VanceInfo (NYSE: VIT) has acquired Oracle’s (Nasdaq: ORCL) IT China consulting arm, a company called Bright Consulting, for a modest $700,000. Sure, that figure isn’t going to raise any eyebrows and Bright Consulting itself generated an equally modest $1.5 million in revenue last year, according to the press release. So why am I writing about this deal? For this reason: As the world’s largest maker of business software, Oracle has enormous resources that it can provide to little VanceInfo to help this Chinese firm boost Oracle’s presence in China. Clearly Oracle wasn’t gaining much traction in the consulting arena on its own, hence its wise decision to let a homegrown Chinese firm take over that part of the business. If this relationship works out, the future could indeed be bright for VanceInfo.

Bottom line: VanceInfo will reap handsome rewards from its new relationship with Oracle.

最近有这麽一则有意思的公司新闻发布,可能许多人都忽略了:中国IT服务公司文思(VanceInfo)<VIT.N>收购了甲骨文公司<ORCL.O>旗下公司Bright Consulting。这是一家设在北京的信息技术服务公司,收购金额只有区区70万美元(一些中国媒体曾将之误报为700万美元)。 当然,这个数字实在难以引人注目,而Bright去年的收入也只有150万美元. 那我为什麽对这笔交易感兴趣呢?作为全球最大的商务软件公司,甲骨文能够向文思提供庞大的资源支持,令其更好地为自己的中国业务服务;显然甲骨文自己在中国的信息技术咨询领域并无建树,因此决定让本土公司文思接手。如果两者之间的合作关系运作顺利,文思的前途不可限量。


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