China Cable Consolidation: Second Time the Charm? 中国有线电视行业整合势头正劲

Despite seemingly long odds against it due to resistance from local interests, China looks determined to force consolidation of its fragmented cable TV industry in a bid to create a viable force to promote  development of digital technologies and more offerings for content- and application-hungry consumers and businesses. Nearly half a year after launching the latest consolidation effort, the top man at China’s TV regulator is being quoted by local media as recently saying consolidation at the provincial level should be completed within 2 years, and a new national player will emerge shortly thereafter. (English article) I’ve seen a number of reports saying consolidation is underway in various provinces, though it’s always hard to tell if this is really happening or just wishful thinking. I previously pegged the chances for success of this latest initiative at 30-40 percent (previous post) but I might have to revise that figure upward to 50-50 in light of this new determination, following failure of a similar effort 5 years ago. From a business standpoint, such consolidation would benefit everyone, providing a big boost for programming makers like Huayi Brothers (Shenzhen: 300027) and video streamers like Youku (NYSE: YOKU). That, in turn, would create new business for not only the new national cable operator, but also China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHT) and China Mobile (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL), which are also working on digital TV offerings. Again, the major stumbling block is entrenched local interests that may try anything to avoid giving up their hold on local cable franchises.

Bottom line: Cable TV consolidation is gaining momentum, reflecting the government’s determination to make it happen, and now stands a 50-50 chance of success.



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