Kaixin Fights Back in Race With Renren to Market 人人、开心上市大PK:开心扳回一局

In what’s shaping up as one of China’s most colorful races to market in a long time, social networking site Kaixin says it has won a coveted hearing with China’s highest court in its ongoing grievance with archrival Renren. (Chinese article) The move is an obvious ploy by Kaixin to derail Renren’s IPO plan, which took an early lead over Kaixin’s own similar plan when Renren made its first public IPO filing in New York earlier this month. (previous post) Kaixin’s ongoing spat with Renren is too complex to discuss here, but suffice it to say that a decision by the high court in Kaixin’s favor could raise some serious questions for Renren’s future prospects, less in terms of monetary damages (Kaixin is asking for a relatively modest 10 million yuan) but more in potential restrictions on a disputed Web address that is one of Renren’s two primary URLs. Until the high court makes its decision and provides some clarity, which could be relatively soon, I see no way that Renren can move forward with its IPO. In the meantime, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kaixin makes its own initial public filing for a New York IPO very soon, seeking to trump Renren’s own plans to raise up to $500 milliion.

Bottom line: The race to market between Kaixin and Renren is far from over, with Kaixin gaining the latest edge through a small victory in Chinese courts.



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